Our Partnerships for Giving Back
We are proud to support two major philanthropic partnerships, dedicating our efforts to a hospice and a children's cancer center. These partnerships provide compassionate care and essential support to those facing critical health challenges and their families.
Hospice Austin has provided medical, emotional, and spiritual support for terminally ill patients and their families throughout Central Texas since 1980.
Care is provided at home, in nursing facilities or at Hospice Austin's beautiful, state-of-the-art care center, Hospice Austin's Christopher House.
JOYRX prescribes Joy through programs that create immediate and measurable improvement to the mental and emotional wellness of seriously ill children.
For over 28 years, JoyRX has been delivering programs to help sick kids find their Joy — one song, one friendship, one breath of ocean air at a time. When a child experiences Joy, their emotional well-being is positively impacted.
Autism Speaks is dedicated to creating an inclusive world for all individuals with autism throughout their lifespan. This is done through advocacy, services, supports, research and innovation, and advances in care for autistic individuals and their families.
Chief among Autism Speaks accomplishments are increased global awareness and inclusion, better understanding of the breadth and diversity of the autistic community, advocacy efforts to protect the rights of autistic individuals and increase access to services, support, and innovative research leading to more informed clinical knowledge and advancements in autism care.
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